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Hitachi NAS 5200/5300

Řada Hitachi NAS Platform 5000 je robustní enteprise řešení pro ukládání souborů, které poskytuje nejlepší škálovatelnost souborů a flexibilitu pro konsolidaci pracovních zátěží s vylepšeným akcelerovaným souborovým systémem, který výrazně…
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Řada Hitachi NAS Platform 5000 je robustní enteprise řešení pro ukládání souborů, které poskytuje nejlepší škálovatelnost souborů a flexibilitu pro konsolidaci pracovních zátěží s vylepšeným akcelerovaným souborovým systémem, který výrazně zlepšuje návratnost investic (ROI) pro potřeby podnikového škálovacího souborového systému. Používejte a využívejte stejnou sdílenou infrastrukturu, kterou již znáte a které důvěřujete, pro správu růstu vašich nestrukturovaných dat, aniž byste museli rozbít banku.

The HNAS 5000 series supports both file and block (iSCSI) workloads for greater consolidation and operational simplicity. File controllers are designed with a hardware-accelerated architecture, using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) for active, critical, and sensitive file services. Individual file systems belong to a Hitachi Enterprise Virtual Server (EVS) for NAS, and each server has its own set of IP addresses, policies, and individual port assignments.

Virtual cluster support up to 80 nodes
2x the throughput than its predecessor
Multitenant security: Designed for up to 64 enterprise virtual servers (EVS), per namespace, with each having its own security context to segregate network traffic for increased security.
Unlimited virtual capacity supports long-term growth per file system/namespace, with cloud extension up to 130/840 billon objects.
• Hardware-accelerated architecture FPGA: Primary data deduplication leverages an FPGA offload engine to perform
CPU-intensive hash operations that reduce the impact on file-serving performance.
• Unmatched simplicity and power: Little to no administration, configuration or tuning is required. Scheduling is not necessary. Premium deduplication option provides additional ingest performance by increasing the number of logical state machines.
• Improved data reduction services with FPGAs and SVOS RF adaptive data reduction, including deduplication and compression, minimize storage footprint and maintain controller scalability.

Built-in intelligent filesystem cloud tiering provides the mobility and control in the cloud by transparently migrating data between local and external cloud tiers using a policy-based business rules engine. With an improved file system extension to cloud, the HNAS 5000 series enables napshot archiving and leverages cost-effective cloud capacity to store stale or less active data, while providing local transparent access for users and applications.

    Kubernetes and Ansible cloud support
    Public cloud targets: Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure and IBM® Cloud Object Storage.
    Private cloud: Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) and IBM Cloud Object Storage.    
    Cross-volume link enables files that have been migrated to a cloud environment to be transparently accessed by the application for nondisruptive retrieval.
    Protocol Support: NFS, SMB, FTP, iSCSI and HTTP(S3) to the cloud

Tiered file system (TFS) separates file system metadata from user data. TFS automatically places file system metadata on a higher performance storage tier to increase file system performance while also providing cost efficiency. Enhanced object replication with throughput throttling improves quality of service (QoS). Deduplication support targets and eliminates rehydration of embedded cross volume links while allowing up to 3 data center support powered by our global-active device metro clustering.

The cluster namespace feature creates a unified directory structure across storage pools and controllers. Multiple file systems appear under a common root, and both server message block (SMB) and network file system (NFS) clients obtain global access. EVS server farm migration enables tenant mobility across namespace and servers with shared storage.


Technický garant
Jiří Nájemník
systémový architekt

Jiří Nájemník

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