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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) 5600/ 5600H

Úložiště Hitachi Vantara řady VSP 5000 je nová generace high-end diskových úložišť navržená tak, aby poskytovala moderní základ pro digitální transformaci a modernizaci datových center. 
Cena na vyžádání


Úložiště Hitachi Vantara řady VSP 5000 je nová generace high-end diskových úložišť navržená tak, aby poskytovala moderní základ pro digitální transformaci a modernizaci datových center. 

VSP řady 5000 je navržena jako nejvýkonnější, škálovatelná a odolná platforma pro ukládání dat na trhu. VSP 5600 poskytuje dostupnost 8' 9tek. Infrastruktura šetrná k životnímu prostředí.

Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) - Eco-Friendly Infrastructure

The Virtual Storage Platform 5000 series storage system is a high-performance, large-capacity data storage system. The storage system consists of a controller chassis, one or more drive chassis, and internal PCIe switches with copper or optical interfaces and is powered by a new multi-node architecture available in 2, 4, 8, and 12 controller systems.

The Virtual Storage Platform 5000 series is shipped to customers as factory-integrated storage systems installed in a Hitachi Universal rack, with all components mounted and cabled, and all software and software licenses installed by Hitachi Vantara representatives. All systems incorporate state-of-the-art virtualization, data-management, and fault-tolerant technologies.

Key Features

The Virtual Storage Platform 5000 series (VSP 5000 series) storage systems are high-performance, large-capacity, enterprise RAID storage systems that reliably deliver more data faster than ever for open-systems and mainframe applications. VSP 5000 series features all-flash and hybrid models that can scale up in capacity and also scale out for performance, allowing for massive consolidation of workloads for cost savings and providing unparalleled performance, efficiency, and reliability with response times as low as 39 μs. These enterprise-level storage systems are available in configurations with up to 69 PB of raw capacity and with scalability to handle up to 33 million IOPS.
Key features

Agility and scalability:
VSP 5200 all-flash array (AFAs) is scale-up enterprise storage platform with one pair of controller nodes supporting open and mainframe workloads. VSP nd VSP 5600 AFA start with a single node pair and can scale out to three node pairs. All of these models are also available as hybrid arrays (VSP 5200H, VSP 5600H) that support the following drive types:
            NVMe SCM
            NVMe SSD
            SAS SSD
            SAS HDD
The VSP 5200 models support either SAS or NVMe configurations, while VSP 5600 support mixed SAS and NVMe backend configurations.

All-flash performance accelerated by NVMe technology:
NVMe drives provide high throughput and low latency to achieve high response performance, enabling large volumes of data to be processed rapidly with response times as low as 39 microseconds. NVMe storage class memory (SCM) drives provide significantly quicker access to data, up to 10 times faster than flash drives, and are more durable than flash drives.

Reliability and resiliency:
Leveraging hot-swappable components, nondisruptive maintenance and upgrades, and outstanding data protection, VSP 5000 series offers complete system redundancy and is backed by a 100% data availability guarantee. The active-active controller architecture of VSP 5000 series protects against local faults and performance issues, and hardware redundancy eliminates all active single points of failure, no matter how unlikely, to provide the highest level of reliability and data availability.

Sustainable Storage Solutions - CO2:
Certified for maximum energy efficiency
Storage vendor certified by Carbon Footprint for Products.
We adhere to stringent internal protocols to design and develop infrastructure solutions that consume less energy and emit less carbon with each new version.
Since 2014 Hitachi has been working to reduce the annual carbon footprint of VSP. Today’s arrays have a CO2 reduction the equivalent of driving from New York to San Francisco three times a year.


Technický garant
Jiří Nájemník
systémový architekt

Jiří Nájemník

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