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Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) G350

S řadou Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) G350/ F350 poskytujeme flexibilní a automatizované úložiště postavené na inovativních technologiích, které jsou součástí našich špičkových podnikových systémů. 
Cena na vyžádání


S řadou Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) G350/ F350 poskytujeme flexibilní a automatizované úložiště postavené na inovativních technologiích, které jsou součástí našich špičkových podnikových systémů. 

Se systémy Hitachi VSP mohou společnosti jakékoliv velikosti využívat stejný klid a dostupnost aplikací, na které spoléhají největší podniky na světě. Tyto systémy umožňují nákladově efektivně splnit současná digitální očekávání a škálovat je tak, aby bylo možné řešit budoucí výzvy s tím, jak se budou vyvíjet potřeby aplikací v oblasti dat a úrovni služeb. Díky časem prověřené a ověřené dostupnosti a škálovatelnosti poskytujeme infrastrukturní řešení, která vám pomohou maximalizovat výhodu vašeho datového centra. Všechna pole VSP mají 100% záruku dostupnosti dat od společnosti Hitachi.


The Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G350 (VSP G350) is versatile, modular, rack-mounted hybrid-array storage systems that support SAS hard disk drives (HDDs) and flash drives, enabling the storage systems to be scaled for various storage capacity configurations.

The storage systems provide high performance operations by using multiple controllers with high-speed processors, dual in-line cache memory modules (DIMMs), cache flash memory (CFM), battery, fans and ports to connect iSCSI and Fibre Channel I/O modules. Each controller has an Ethernet connection for out-of-band management. If the data path through one controller fails, all data drives remain available to hosts using a redundant data path through the other controller.

For reliability, essential hardware components are implemented with a redundant configuration so that the storage system can remain operational if a component fails. Adding and replacing components, along with firmware upgrades, can be conducted while the storage system is active and without interruption of data availability to the hosts. A hot spare drive can be configured to replace a failed data drive automatically, securing the fault-tolerant integrity of the logical drives. Self-contained, hardware-based RAID logical drives provide maximum performance in compact external enclosures.
Block configuration

A storage system configured for block-level storage provides the ability to access and provision raw storage volumes using protocols such as Fibre Channel and iSCSI.

A block configuration consists of the following:
One multiple controller chassis with on-board drives
One or more optional drive trays
Optional service processor (SVP) 


All storage systems are highly reliable, versatile, and able to scale its performance by adding more drive chassis and data drives. Depending on the system configuration, the drive chassis offerings support SAS-interface disk and solid-state drives.

High performance:
Multiple controller configuration distributes processing to each controller.
Equipped with high capacity cache to provide a total of 128 GiB of high-speed processing.
Flash drive configuration increases I/O processing speeds.
Equipped with 32/16-Gbps Fibre Channel or 10-Gbps iSCSI interface facilitates high-speed data transfer.

High reliability:
Main system components are configured with redundancy to maintain continued service.
RAID 1, RAID5, and RAID 6, including 14D+2P, are supported.
Provides data security by transferring data to cache flash memory at the time of a power outage.

Scalability and versatility:
Supports small-form-factor drive trays (DBS/DBSE) requiring 2U of rack space, and up to 24 2.5-inch HDDs and/or flash drives can be installed.
Supports large-form-factor drive trays (DBL/DBLE) requiring 2U of rack space, and up to 12 3.5-inch HDDs can be installed.
Supports high-density intermix drive tray (DB60) requiring 4U of rack space, and a selection of up to 60 2.5-inch and 3.5-inch HDDs can be installed.
Supports heterogeneous system environments with mixed operating systems such as UNIX, Linux, Windows, and VMware. 

Technický garant
Jiří Nájemník
systémový architekt

Jiří Nájemník

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